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Author talk: Losing Our Minds: A Cellular View Of Life and Ageing by Patricia Worby

Author talk: Losing Our Minds: A Cellular View Of Life and Ageing by Patricia Worby

“Ageing is not an inevitable and random process - it is both individual and alterable. Not to say we can reverse ageing completely (although some people have reversed the disease processes often associated with ageing), but we can modify the pace and outcomes significantly.”

Patricia Worby, PhD, is a practitioner of body-oriented (somatic) psychotherapy which releases unprocessed emotion causing a range of medically unexplained symptoms including pain, fatigue and anxiety. Her ground-breaking book looks at life processes including healthy ageing and disease – but from a cellular point of view. With this more diminutive but complex perspective, we see that disease is not a natural consequence of ageing as modern medicine would have you believe. It is, in fact, a metabolic response to the toxicity of our lives; in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the thoughts we think and the relationships we have in this 21st century world. Join us to find out more!

Dr Patricia Worby PhD, BSc, MSc, ACMT, HPD, Member of the International College of Holistic Medicine (ICHM), General Hypnotherapy Register and an Institute of Leadership and Management accredited wellbeing coach and Chrysalis Effect (ME/CFS specialist) Practitioner.

• General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)

• ILM-certified wellbeing coach

• Chrysalis Effect Practitioner

• NLP Practitioner

• EFT Practitioner

• HPD qualified Clinical hypnotherapist with EMDR training

• Speaker and presenter

• Author of: The Scar that Won’t Heal’, The World Within’ and ‘Losing our Minds’**

• Passionate advocate of health and wellbeing

• Gardener and environmentalist

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Closed for the bank holiday!