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October Books *loves* book groups!

October Books *loves* book groups!

As you might expect - we love reading here at October Books and we have a huge affinity with people that share this love!

We have been supplying this book group with reading material for a number of years, and it’s a pleasure to do so. Read all about who they are, why they started in 1968(!!!) and why they love October Books, below.

If you have a book club or reading group and would like to take advantage of our book group discount - get in touch! You can get 20% off when you order 6 or more of the same title from us.

“For decades Book groups have been an important means of keeping in touch, sharing opinions and tastes, and in recent months they have helped combat the stress and isolation brought about by the pandemic.

Our book group was started by three women in 1968, over a half a century ago when Book groups were not yet universal. They had tiny children and with their clamour no opportunity to have any proper conversation. So they decided to leave the children with their fathers and meet in the evening, choosing a book to stimulate their chat. The group soon expanded to about 7 or 8 members. The first book the group read was Bruno Bettelheim’s Love is not Enough!

The group now involves 10 likeminded women, living roughly in the same geographical area. The membership has changed over time but two of the original members are still guiding and stimulating us. In ‘normal’ circumstances we follow the original format: one member choosing a book which everyone reads. After chat and refreshment, the book would be introduced by the person who chose it. Animated and erudite discussion always ensued! The choice of books has been eclectic – ranging from Booker prize winners, classic works, travel books, science fiction, poetry and much more.

One of the original members said: ‘ It has remained throughout the years a wonderful source of stimulation and friendship’. 

A more recent member comments: ‘For me the joy of the book group which I’m sure is a common thought, is that I have read books I would never have chosen…... After some struggles I’ve actually enjoyed them and learned a lot. I’ve really being pushed out of my comfort zone’.

Recently some things have had to change – but we have come to grips with the complexities of Zoom calls and have kept going.

When the original group started books were sourced through Wiseman’s bookshop in Portswood. Over recent years we have been able to benefit from the services that October Books offers. Once deciding on a book, we order multiple copies from the shop – enjoying a discount for orders of 6 or more copies. We are informed when the copies arrive in the shop and we can each enjoy a stroll down Portswood Broadway, browse the shop and buy other books, cards, food stuffs, cleaning products and much more that is on offer. During the pandemic we were delighted that October Books were able to continue this service. Even when the shop was closed, we were able to collect our copies at designated times – or the brilliant volunteers were able to deliver to those who required it.

What has been amazing is, despite all the recent restrictions and supply shortages, the speed with which are orders have been available. Perhaps the record is that after a Friday night book group which agreed the next book, an order was placed on Saturday and the books were in the shop on Monday.

Thank you for being there October Books – and for your brilliant service!”

Thank you, you wonderful readers. You’re making us blush! We love finding out which titles your tackling and look forward to the next 52 years of reading!

Love the OB Team

After the Flood by Kassandra Montag

After the Flood by Kassandra Montag

The Little Book of Humanism by Andrew Copson and Alice Roberts

The Little Book of Humanism by Andrew Copson and Alice Roberts