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October Get Together - Bring Your Own Book

October Get Together - Bring Your Own Book

Wednesday 19th October

online - 7pm - free entry

Join us this month at our monthly social evening - come and say hello!

What are you reading at the mo?

All are welcome at this book club with a twist! We are asking you to Bring Your Own Book so we can share inspiration we have found between the pages. Those in attendance each get a chance to talk a little bit about a book they have been reading this month and what they’ve thought about it. There is no required reading, just a desire to talk about what you’ve been reading!

What have you read during the month? Would you recommend it to others? Or was it better left on the shelf? We want to hear about it! What are you reading, and what has it meant to you?

The session will run for 1hr max and we do look forward to seeing you there. You do not need to have a Zoom account to be able to join us, instructions to attend will be sent out once you have registered your interest via Eventbrite.

This is a free entry event, but if you'd like to sling October Books a donation, please do.

in conversation: Adrienne Buller and Mathew Lawrence

in conversation: Adrienne Buller and Mathew Lawrence

author talk: Black by Tobias Taitt

author talk: Black by Tobias Taitt