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livestream: Courage To Be by Clifford Williams

livestream: Courage To Be by Clifford Williams

Thursday 4th November

livestream - 7pm - free entry

Register your interest by getting your free ticket for this author talk, instructions to join will be emailed shortly afterwards. For your security and ours, you cannot attend this talk without registering in advance first.

Join Clifford Williams via ZOOM to hear about The London Gay Teenage Group and the Southampton Gay Youth Group

The London Gay Teenage Group was a unique and ground-breaking youth group that emerged in the late 1970s. Set up and run by young people themselves, it achieved what many thought impossible: registration as an official youth club catering mainly for gay and lesbian young people, at a time when gay male sex was still totally illegal for anyone aged under 21! Surviving for over 20 years, the group helped many gay and lesbian young people navigate challenges, such as rejection by society, parents and family, schools, and the workplace. It provided a safe refuge from the competitive commercial and sometimes soul-destroying ‘gay scene’. Set in the context of the wider debate and activity of organised gay youth in England, Clifford’s book offers a new and rarely written about picture of gay youth in England 1967-1990.

Author Clifford Williams studied History and Anthropology at University of London, Criminology at University of Cambridge and has a PhD from University of Bradford. He is author of numerous articles and books. Recent publications include A history of Women policing Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 1915-2016, The Unsolved Murder of Vera Glasspool and A Queer A-Z of Hampshire.

Register via Eventbrite for instructions to join ZOOM event, and hear all about the history of LGBT Youth groups! This and all October Books online events have closed captions available.

This is a free entry event, but if you'd like to sling October Books a donation, please do.

If you’d like to pre-order ‘Courage To Be: Organised Gay Youth in England 1967-1990’ for delivery directly to your door click here.

If you’d like to pre-order a copy to collect from the shop (or would like to reserve a copy of ‘A Queer A-Z of Hampshire’ pamphlet) email us at info@octoberbooks.org

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