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Earth Hour 26th March 8.30pm

Earth Hour 26th March 8.30pm

An Hour that could change decades

Every year, at 8:30 pm on the last Saturday of March, millions of people across the world show their support for our planet, raising awareness of nature loss and climate change - the two biggest threats facing our one home. 

But Earth Hour is more than just an Hour for the planet - it's a movement for our future

Everyone here at October Books will be taking part in this movement and would love as many people as possible to get involved in it. With everything still going on with the pandemic, the Earth Hour global organizing team is recommending all individuals to take part online / digitally when possible. If you are planning to be in a public space or are thinking of spending the Hour with friends and family outside your home, please stay safe…

For more information about how to take part click below


Here is a little History about earth hour from their page…

‘History of the Hour

Started by WWF and partners as a symbolic lights-out event in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour is now one of the world's largest grassroots movements for the environment. Held every year on the last Saturday of March, Earth Hour engages millions of people in more than 190 countries and territories, switching off their lights to show support for our planet. 

But Earth Hour goes far beyond the symbolic action of switching off - it has become a catalyst for positive environmental impact, driving major legislative changes by harnessing the power of the people and collective action.
Earth Hour is open-source and we welcome everyone, anyone, to take part and help amplify our mission to unite people to protect our planet.’

And here is a little about the mission…

‘Our mission: Then and Now

In 2007, we encouraged people around the world to switch off their lights to call attention to climate change. More than a decade later, the climate crisis remains, made worse by another urgent threat: the rapid loss of biodiversity and nature.

Natural systems are vital for all our futures – and yet, the rate of global loss of nature during the past 50 years is unprecedented in human history. Nature not only provides us food, water, clean air, and other services worth over US$125 trillion a year – it is also one of our strongest allies against climate change. Protecting nature is one of the most immediate, powerful, and cost-effective solutions to the climate crisis.

Today, Earth Hour aims to increase awareness and spark global conversations on protecting nature not only to combat the climate crisis, but to ensure our own health, happiness, prosperity and even survival.’

Our March opening ours are:

Mon / Wed / Fri / Sat

From 10am - 4pm

Please note. The shop floor will be open for the sale of essential food and household items. We will not be open for you to browse our bookshelves, but if you have ordered books or household items online or via the phone you will be able to collect them during these opening hours! Shop online today!

You will see we have a QR code at the door, if you have the NHS COVID-19 app downloaded to your smart phone please scan this as you enter the shop as you enter the shop.

In store now! A new range from KELDER Press!

In store now! A new range from KELDER Press!

livestream: Return Of A Native by Vron Ware

livestream: Return Of A Native by Vron Ware