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Sustainable hairdressing and Is this street made for me?

Sustainable hairdressing and Is this street made for me?

Tuesday 18th January

in the shop - 7.30pm - talk and discussion - free entry

Please get your tickets here via Eventbrite if you wish to attend so we can manage numbers on the shop floor. If further government restrictions are introduced this event will take place online - details will be sent via email to ticketholders.

As part of Big Energy Saving Week, come and join the conversaion about what you CAN do in your own home to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more sustainable life.

Come and join us in conversation with two local activists who are working on projects all about improving individual sustainability.

Denise Baden from the University of Southampton will talk about her work on more sustainable hairdressing and washing, as well as her recent publication of fiction and the use of green stories to help others imagine a more sustainable future.

Claudia Murg from We Make Southampton will be talking about her project Is this Street Made for you? A collaborative project with Southampton University’s Public Engagement Research Unit which explores the impact of the role of roads in our wellbeing and how we use them to connect or disconnect from the world around us. There’ll be lots of time for questions and conversation about both topics.

Register via Eventbrite to attend this event - there are limited spaces available.

At the time of writing, it is a legal requirement to wear a face-covering whilst in the shop. So, unless exempt, please wear a face covering during the event and whilst navigating the shop. Please be mindful of those around you when you join us at this event.

Please take a lateral flow test on the day of the event, and do not attend if you test positive or feel unwell.

In store now! Grievers by Adrienne Maree Brown

In store now! Grievers by Adrienne Maree Brown

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