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Have your say! - survey feedback

Have your say! - survey feedback

Our Have your say! survey was a great success and we have been looking at the results over the last month. The comments and feedback we received are not only very important for us as we make decisions and plans for the future, but confirmed that all our feelings around OB and all it stands for are shared by so many.

We had an amazing 92 responses including customers, members, hirers, event participants, volunteers, people hoping to visit the shop and those who helped with the human chain when the bookshop moved to the bank!

90.2% said it was easy to find what you are looking for in the shop and 9.8% said it wasn't easy but gave us some great suggestions as to how we might be able to make improvements.

With 72.8% buying books online we were surprised that only 56.5% were aware of bookshop.org. Bookshop.org is an online bookshop that you can purchase from, have the books delivered straight to your home and support us at the same time! Please do take a look and tell your friends and family all about it.
We were thrilled that 96.7% said they would recommend October Books to family and friends - thank you! We had 83 responses telling us what you would recommend about us, below are just a few of them...

Shop Relaunch In The making...

Shop Relaunch In The making...

Top Picks from March

Top Picks from March