In store now! A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding by Amanda Svensson

In store now! A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding by Amanda Svensson

A joyful family saga about free will, forgiveness, and how we are all interconnected.

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System So Magnificent It Is Blinding by Amanda Svensson

Paperback £9.99

In October 1989, triplet babies are born into chaos in a Swedish hospital. Over two decades later, the siblings are scattered around the world, barely speaking. Sebastian is in London working for a mysterious scientific organisation and falling in love. Clara has travelled to Easter Island to join a doomsday cult. And the third triplet, Matilda, is in Sweden, practising being a stepmother. Then something happens that forces them to reunite. Their mother calls with worrying news: their father has gone missing and she has something to tell them, a twenty-five-year secret that will change all their lives.

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