In store now! All The Things She Said: Everything I Know About Modern Lesbian and Bi Culture by Daisy Jones

In store now! All The Things She Said: Everything I Know About Modern Lesbian and Bi Culture by Daisy Jones

A modern, personal guide to the culture of queer women and everyone in between.

All The Things She Said explores the nature of 21st century queerness. Lesbian and bi culture is ever-changing and here, journalist Daisy Jones unpicks outdated stereotypes and shows how, over the past few years, the style and shared language of queer women has slowly infiltrated the mainstream. (Think less hemp sandals, IKEA trips and nut milks and more freedom, expression, community. And Cate Blanchett.)

From the dingy basement clubs of east London to the unchartered realms of TikTok, cutting in DIY mullets and christening Meryl Streep 'Daddy', Daisy explores the multifaceted nature of what it means to be lesbian or bi today, while also looking back and celebrating the past.

Follow Daisy Jones on Twitter @daisythejones and on Instagram @daisyjsjones and keep up with news from Hooder & Stoughton here @HodderBooks

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All The Things She Said: Everything I Know About Modern Lesbian and Bi Culture by Daisy Jones

Paperback £9.99

The book shines a light on the never-ending process of coming out, what it's like to date as a queer woman, how physical nightlife spaces have evolved into online communities and the reasons why mental health issues have disproportionately impacted LGBTQ+ people.

As someone immersed in the queer culture of women, Daisy brings both the personal perspective and a journalistic one to this changing landscape. Through interviews and lived experience, a cohesive image emerges: one which shows that being lesbian, bi, or anything in between, isn't necessarily always tied to gender, sexual practice or even romantic attraction.

With verve, humour and razor-sharp prose, Daisy paints a vital and insightful modern day portrait of what it means to be a queer woman in 2021.

Order your copy today directly from October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get commission on your purchase.


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