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In store now! Drawn Across Borders: True Stories of Migration, by George Butler

In store now! Drawn Across Borders: True Stories of Migration, by George Butler

In store now! Drawn Across Borders: True Stories of Migration, by George Butler

Drawn over a ten year period, George Butler’s provocative and intimate ink and watercolour illustrations, made in-situ from various war zones, refugee camps, and disaster areas, offer a new perspective on one of the most misunderstood issues of the modern age. These interviews, and their accompanying illustrations, convey with startling humanity the experiences of people forced to flee their homes.

If you would like to donate to a local refugee charity, you could consider the following organisations:
Clear Project - https://clearproject.org.uk/supportus/
Southampton & Winchester Visitors Group - https://www.justgiving.com/swvg
Southampton Action - https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/handoffriendship

Order your copy today directly through October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get a commission on your purchase.

Drawn Across Borders: True Stories of Migration

Hardback £15

A collection of vivid and powerful stories drawn on the front lines of migration by award-winning artist George Butler. For thousands of years humans have moved around the world, to seek a better life, to flee disaster or to escape war. Migration is a fact of life - but it is hugely misunderstood.

In striking and intimate illustrations, award-winning artist George Butler introduces us to the people behind the headlines. Drawings made on front lines, in refugee camps and on the move vividly capture stories of leaving home, travelling into the unknown and trying to make a new life. These powerful portraits of migration are a timely reminder of the humanity we all share and our universal need to seek safety and a better life.

A stunning, illuminating and sensitive look at stories that deserve to be told.

Order your copy today directly from October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get commission on your purchase.

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Monday - Saturday

10am - 5.30 pm

We are back open six days a week, with the whole store open for browsing. We will still of course be taking customer orders and you will still be able to buy food and cleaning products online through our online store. 

We are able to be open 6 days a week again because of your consideration and care whilst in the shop. Though things are opening up, covid cases are still high and a lot of our staff have only received one jab. So we are asking customers to continue to leave that extra space, sanitise their hands and pull on their mask. We really appreciate it.  

In store now! What Is a Refugee?, by Elise Gravel

In store now! What Is a Refugee?, by Elise Gravel

In store now! Refugee Tales Vol. 1-4

In store now! Refugee Tales Vol. 1-4