In store now! The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman

In store now! The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman

Incised by a decision to ban Art Spiegleman’s Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel (the only one in the history of the prize) mere days after Holocaust Memorial Day, we’re hilighting Maus. The shocking decision to remove the book from school curriculums in the United States is further evidence of why a work such as Spiegleman’s is so important. 

Maus memorialises Spiegleman’s father’s experiences of the Holocaust, following his story from youthful idealism, through marrage, and finally - devastatingly - into a concentration camp in Poland. It is an intensely personal book, whose universality is in the detail; a deeply human read unlike anything ever produced before or since.

It’s banning in the United States merely proves its power and significance. 

Order your copy today directly through October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get a commission on your purchase.

The Complete Maus by Art Spiegleman

Paperback £16.99

The first and only graphic novel to win the Pulitzer Prize, MAUS is a brutally moving work of art about a Holocaust survivor -- and the son who survives him. Maus tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe, and his son, a cartoonist coming to terms with his father's story. Approaching the unspeakable through the diminutive (the Nazis are cats, the Jews mice), Vladek's harrowing story of survival is woven into the author's account of his tortured relationship with his aging father. Against the backdrop of guilt brought by survival, they stage a normal life of small arguments and unhappy visits, studying the bloody pawprints of history and tracking its meaning for those who come next.

Order your copy today directly from October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get commission on your purchase.


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Monday - Saturday

10am - 5.30 pm

We are back open six days a week, with the whole store open for browsing. We will still of course be taking customer orders and you will still be able to buy food and cleaning products online through our online store. 

We are able to be open 6 days a week again because of your consideration and care whilst in the shop. Though things are opening up, covid cases are still high and a lot of our staff have only received one jab. So we are asking customers to continue to leave that extra space, sanitise their hands and pull on their mask. We really appreciate it.  

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