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Magazines for creativity and positive change.

Magazines for creativity and positive change.

Role up, role up for the latest editions of Positive News and Stir to Action. Magazines to inspire creative thinking, positive change and active participation in the world around us.

Take your pick from these…

  • Positive News Positive News is the magazine for good journalism about the good things that are happening.

    Together, we will thrive (July to Sep issue)

    After Covid-19, we face a new normal. But that doesn’t have to mean worse. From greener economies to united communities and welfare that works, this issue uncovers the opportunities for progress in the wake of the crisis and makes some hopeful predictions for the future.

    Other features include: A turning point for Black Lives Matter • Rutger Bregman on why most people are kind • The podcast teaching children how to be resilient • Life floods back to Iraq’s Mesopotamian Marshes • How social media is helping women get financially savvy

    Published in July 2020

  • Stir To Action

    This magazine explores new economic alternatives, where the democratic economy and civic society come together.

    Issue 30, Summer 2020 ‍

    Commoning Innovations for a Post-Pandemic World – David Bollier
    Commoning our way through the Climate Crisis – Lucy Stone
    The White Swan Paradox – Stephen Miller
    Against the Ghost Town: Reviving our High Streets – Matthew McKeague
    Bounce Forward – Jess Steele
    Why We Need Answers: COVID-19 & BAME Communities – Rianna Raymond-Williams
    Mutual Aid in times of crisis – Kate Macdonald
    Interview: Kali Akuno, Cooperation Jackson
    Interview: Danny Dorling, Slowing Down: The End of the Great Acceleration
    The Secret Community Leader
    ‍Right of Reply: Community Wealth Building & the Community Paradigm

Fancy some of our other magazines? We’ll have the latest issues in from July, get in touch to find out which, and to add to your order!

Dear NHS edited by Adam Kay

Dear NHS edited by Adam Kay

Terraformed by Joy White

Terraformed by Joy White