NEWS: October Books events

NEWS: October Books events

Did you know, since the first lockdown in March 2020 we have created over 120 free entry events for you!

This ranges from online events when we could not meet face-to-face, to in person socially distanced author talks, creative workshops, cookery demos, authors in conversation, book groups, community conversations, plant swaps, kids story time, all manner of educational talks for curious minds, and celebrations of all that makes us different and brings us together - locally and globally!

We love bringing people together, so to help us do more of “this kind of thing” from July we are adding the option for those attending events at October Books to donate £3 to assist us with running costs.

You will have the option to donate when you register via Eventbrite, or on the day of the event you are attending.

This will not apply to all events we organise, and at no point will anyone be turned away for lack of funds.

We realise that people are feeling the pinch at the moment, as a small independent organisation we are too. But if you enjoy an event with us, and are able to contribute the suggested donation (or more!), we would very much appreciate receiving it.

We hope to see you at an event with us very soon!

In Store Now! Dreamland by Rosa Rankin-Gee

In Store Now! Dreamland by Rosa Rankin-Gee

In Store Now! The Dragonfly Sea by Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor

In Store Now! The Dragonfly Sea by Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor