Send poetry instead of a card!

Send poetry instead of a card!

For regular customers to the shop, you will know of these marvellous Poetry Instead Of A Card items. They usually sit by the till next to the chocolate - and are hugely popular with young and old.

Perfect for those times when you want to send something in the post but can’t quite find the right words to convey your message… poetry is your friend here!

These slim poetry collections operate around a theme, be it ‘Sisters’ or ‘Sheds’, ‘Cats’ or ‘Kindness’, and feature the poems of well-known (and lesser known) poets, ancient and modern, and there are loads to choose from. On top of all that, they all come with an envelope so you can pop it directly in the post…

Or perhaps we could do that for you! Just ask :)

Blind Date... With a Book!

Blind Date... With a Book!

BC books: Every Day Nature by Andy Beer

BC books: Every Day Nature by Andy Beer