She Who Struggles author event

She Who Struggles author event

A great new recent publication, that we thought you would be interested in, is the book She Who Struggles by Marral Shamshiri and Sorcha Thomson. The book is an amazing collection of stories of the trailblazing lives and movements of radical women who have shaped the modern world. Based on interviews and historical research the book brings together the leaders, rebels, trailblazers, guerrillas and writers; the revolutionaries who also navigated their gendered roles as women, mothers, wives and daughters.

The wonderful Wire Wool Events (run by Amy Brown who used to be part of the October Books team) is putting on a talk with the authors at our favourite local venue, The Bookshop Alehouse, on Tuesday 28th November at 7pm.  We have books in store so do come in and buy one and perhaps you can get it signed on the evening.

Who knows perhaps the evening will inspire a book about our local revolutionary women?

Link for tickets for event here

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