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Stop Putin! Stop the war in Ukraine! Solidarity with our European neighbours!

Stop Putin! Stop the war in Ukraine! Solidarity with our European neighbours!

If the news over the past several years has felt surreal, that feeling pales in comparison to the horrendous developments in Ukraine this week, all the result of the paranoid and aggressive whims of one man. At times like this, many of us feel completely powerless, but there are ways we can support Ukraine from afar. 

Below is a list of charities and organisations who can help. While the cost of living is stretching for all of us, but anything at all you can spare would make a difference.

There will also be a Demonstration this evening (26/2/22) at Guildhall Sq at 7.30PM. Come with your largest signs and loudest voices! 

Another thing we can do to show our support is to write to our local MPs. As a result of Brexit and Priti Patel’s disgraceful and inhumane immigration/refugee policy means that despite the UK’s “support” of Ukraine, refugees from the zone have already been denied entry to the UK. If the UK wishes to show solidarity to Ukraine - as our leaders profess to - then our immigration and refugee policies must reflect that position.

NGO that assists internal refugees: https://unitedhelpukraine.org/

NGO that assistants internal refugees, especially from Crimea: https://www.peaceinsight.org/en/organisations/crimea-sos/?location=ukraine&theme

NGO that aids traumatised children: https://voices.org.ua/en/

Foundation that assists healthcare and education in eastern Ukraine: https://razomforukraine.org/projects/zhadan/

We are open:

Monday - Saturday

10am - 5.30 pm

We are back open six days a week, with the whole store open for browsing. We will still of course be taking customer orders and you will still be able to buy food and cleaning products online through our online store. 

We are able to be open 6 days a week again because of your consideration and care whilst in the shop. Though things are opening up, covid cases are still high and a lot of our staff have only received one jab. So we are asking customers to continue to leave that extra space, sanitise their hands and pull on their mask. We really appreciate it.  

author talk: Out On An Island - The Isle Of Wight's Hidden LGBTQ+ History

author talk: Out On An Island - The Isle Of Wight's Hidden LGBTQ+ History

Pre-order now! Migrant City: A New History of London, by Panikos Panayi

Pre-order now! Migrant City: A New History of London, by Panikos Panayi