Stories from Greenham Common Peace Camp with Rebecca Mordan

Stories from Greenham Common Peace Camp with Rebecca Mordan

We were delighted to have Rebecca Mordan, co author of Out of the Darkness Greenham voices 1981 to 2000, with us recently. She spoke of some of the remarkable stories of women who protested at the Peace Camp Greenham Common. As some may not be aware, in 1981 a group of women marched from Cardiff to Greenham Common RAF base in Newbury to protest the siting of US nuclear missiles on British soil.  A Peace Camp was formed that lasted nearly twenty years. 

Rebecca quoted many of the women who contributed their experiences of being at the camp including some of the non violent creative strategies that were used and how it affected the women personally and also the police and military.  She also sang some of their protest songs, and Maggie O’Connor from Southampton, who was at the Camp sang the Out of the Darkness song which was very powerful and moving.

In the question and answer time we heard from other local people that were there at the event too talking about their experiences at the camp.

We have copies of the book available in the shop, with a limited offer of 10% off.  The book not only outlines some of the inspiring stories from the women, but it aims to inspire a new generation of  activists.

Selling books at The Attic for the exclusive one off event with Henry Normal and Nigel Planer

Selling books at The Attic for the exclusive one off event with Henry Normal and Nigel Planer

'Tis the season to get reading!

'Tis the season to get reading!