All tagged community

Calling all new Community Businesses – a great opportunity for support and funding

Back in 2020, just as the first lockdown was announced, Clare started on a Community Business Trade Up (CBTU) programme along with eight other Hampshire community businesses. The programme helps early-stage community businesses throughout England to become stronger and more sustainable by building income from trading, improving business and leadership skills. Whilst October Books wasn’t a new business the community space and hire aspect of the business was something that was new to us. It was this aspect of the business that the fund wanted to support.

Our Local Author Community

Our community is our lifeblood, and it’s fair to say that between buying a bank and moving our stock, to helping us keep our doors open during lockdown, that we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the support of our customers and the wider October Books community. A key component of that is our local authors!

Our Publishing Community

At October Books, we prioritise independence - not just in the way we think, but across every level of the business, from management, right the way down to our book ordering and selling. Indeed, in today’s context, where Amazon wages war with the everyday brick and mortar seller and where the two largest publishers in the world are set to merge (Penguin and Simon & Schuster), supporting small and independent publishers has become not only a priority, but a necessity.