Calling all new Community Businesses – a great opportunity for support and funding

Calling all new Community Businesses – a great opportunity for support and funding

Back in 2020, just as the first lockdown was announced, Clare started on a Community Business Trade Up (CBTU) programme along with eight other Hampshire community businesses. The programme helps early-stage community businesses throughout England to become stronger and more sustainable by building income from trading, improving business and leadership skills. Whilst October Books wasn’t a new business the community space and hire aspect of the business was something that was new to us. It was this aspect of the business that the fund wanted to support.

Of course, things didn’t really turn out as planned that year and our community space was closed for extended periods and we lost a lot of the income that we had started to grow. We were dealing with all the issues of trading in a pandemic though, and so the focus of the work changed to help all the businesses in this challenging time.

‘The CBTU programme really was a lifeline and amazing support network during what was a very challenging and uncertain time for us all’ says Clare. In addition to fortnightly training sessions there were also peer support action learning groups which were really helpful in addressing problems businesses were facing. Of course, the matched funding support also made a huge difference to October Books, especially in a year when we lost a lot of our hire income.

Clare thoroughly recommends the programme to other start up community businesses that involve local people and meet local needs and that are looking for help to support and grow your organisation’s impact and develop trading income

The next round of funding is available now with applications closing on Monday 26th June. If you want to find out more there are two free webinars that will provide you with all the information you need on Tuesday 6 June at 6pm and Tuesday 20 June at 2pm

For more information see The School for Social Entrepreneurs website here .

If you want to find out what it was like to be on the course then do drop Clare a line at


Are you part of a #community #business? Do you Want to develop your income from trading, have more impact & resilience, & become a sustainable community business? 🦾
Discover @SchSocEnt CBTU 2023 programme. Find out more>

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Are you part of a Community Business? 🌎 Do you Want to develop your income from trading, have more impact & resilience, & become a sustainable community business? 🦾
Discover SSE’s CBTU 2023 programme.

Free learning & up to £5k #MatchTrading grant. Find out more>

#community #socialenterprise #socent #change

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