The Book of Trespass: Crossing the Lines that Divide Us by Nick Hayes

The Book of Trespass: Crossing the Lines that Divide Us by Nick Hayes

Brilliant, passionate and political, Nick Hayes will make you rethink the way you see this ‘green and pleasant land.’ Order it today.

The Book of Trespass: Crossing the Lines that Divide Us by Nick Hayes

The vast majority of our country is entirely unknown to us because we are banned from setting foot on it. By law of trespass, we are excluded from 92 per cent of the land and 97 per cent of its waterways, blocked by walls whose legitimacy is rarely questioned. But behind them lies a story of enclosure, exploitation and dispossession of public rights whose effects last to this day.

The Book of Trespass takes us on a journey over the walls of England, into the thousands of square miles of rivers, woodland, lakes and meadows that are blocked from public access. By trespassing the land of the media magnates, Lords, politicians and private corporations that own England, Nick Hayes argues that the root of social inequality is the uneven distribution of land.

Weaving together the stories of poachers, vagabonds, gypsies, witches, hippies, ravers, ramblers, migrants and protestors, and charting acts of civil disobedience that challenge orthodox power at its heart, The Book of Trespass will transform the way you see the land.

Order it today.

If you’d like to see us in the flesh you can pop into the shop during our no-contact browsing hours Throughout August this will be Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat from 10am-4pm.

*** Please note,in accordance with new government regulations - a face mask/covering will need to be worn by all those over 11 years old who enter the shop and don’t have a valid exemption.***

Tales Of Two Planets: Stories of Climate Change and Inequality in a Divided World edited by John Freeman

Tales Of Two Planets: Stories of Climate Change and Inequality in a Divided World edited by John Freeman

livestream: Mitchell's Wings by Johnny Carrington

livestream: Mitchell's Wings by Johnny Carrington