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In Store Soon! The Condor's Feather : Travelling Wild in South America by Michael Webster

In Store Soon! The Condor's Feather : Travelling Wild in South America by Michael Webster

They endured dust storms, thundering gales, icy mountain tops and skin-searing heat, and tested the limits of their physical and mental strength as they lived wild, month after month, camping under galaxies of diamond stars. The Condor's Feather is testament to the possibility of new adventures, new friendships and new hope.

Published by September Publishing and you can follow them on Instagram @septemberpublishing

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The Condor's Feather : Travelling Wild in South America by Michael Webster

Paperback £14.99

One spring morning, as the cuckoos were arriving in England, we departed. At Tilbury Docks we slowly edged our Toyota camper into a shipping container and, like a heron scooping a frog from a marsh, our container was hoisted high over the dockside. Inside was everything we needed, our new life bound for South America. After a vicious attack left Michael Webster in treatment for years, it was only his love of nature - in particular birds - that truly healed.

Repaying this debt to nature, he and his wife embarked on their trip of a lifetime, travelling through South America; immersed in the wild, following and filming birds. For over four years Michael and Paula travelled the length of the Andes, the greatest mountain chain on Earth. From penguins in Patagonia, up beyond the hummingbirds of the equator, to the flamingos of the Caribbean.

Order your copy today directly from October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get commission on your purchase.

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