*** CANCELLED *** Transition talk: It's All About Energy

*** CANCELLED *** Transition talk: It's All About Energy


We will contact all those who registered via Eventbrite with a rescheduled date when we have one

In the meantime, have a read of this Transition blog post that is also "all about energy".

And sign yourself up for the next Transition talk at October Books 'Hydrogen, Heat Pumps and Hype' which is taking place on Wed 27th April.

Stay safe folks, and see you soon! Amy and the OB team.


Wednesday 30th March

in shop - 6.50pm - free entry

Limited tickets available. Please register via Eventbrite if you wish to attend.

Join Transition Southampton in the shop for this talk - we commence at 7pm, see you there!

With energy bills set to increase significantly over the coming months and years we invite you to come and hear about ways you can significantly decrease your usage and so your bills. Local residents Adrian Pickering and Lyn Brayshaw will share their knowledge. Adrian will be sharing his thermal imaging surveys and talking about what the results show us about actions we can take. Lyn will talk about her experience with an air source heat pump and other home energy saving tips.

Want to find out more? Come and join the conversation.

Transition Southampton believes in a positive, sustainable, community imagined future. They work with local communities, organisations and local governments to create positive, sustainable, community-based solutions that tackle climate change and energy scarcity. They are part of the international Transition Network, and have a range of active and past projects across food, energy, waste, transport and the built environment.

Please register via Eventbrite for instructions to join and to help us manage numbers in the shop. We are operating with Covid caution here at October Books, so please respect your fellow attendees by maintaining some distance. We are requesting that people attending events/gatherings in the shop please wear a face covering, and take a lateral flow test on the day of the event - to ensure all people feel safe.

Follow Transition Southampton on Twitter @TransitionSoton and on Facebook at /TransitionSouthampton

This is a free entry event, but if you'd like to sling October Books a donation, please do.

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