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Veg Out! Community Vegan Cafe is on hiatus!

Veg Out! Community Vegan Cafe is on hiatus!

In light of government guidance around social distancing. VEG OUT! Community Cafe will be in hiatus until further notice. We will endeavour to keep you updated on future developments and suggest you keep an eye on their Facebook Page for news.


We are delighted to say that Veg Out Community Vegan Cafe will be in our Community Space EVERY MONDAY from 11am until 4pm.

The cafe has been incredibly well received so it’s a pleasure to have them here on a regular basis. This dynamic team collect food from local traders that would ordinarily have been thrown away - they then create sweet and savoury lunchtime treats, both hot and cold, for your eating pleasure! And it’s all served on a pay-as-you-feel basis. (If you’re not sure how much to pay, just ask for a suggestion)

There’s live music, friendly staff and it’s a fabulous endeavour supporting social and environmental justice for all.

In addition to the cafe and continuing the pay as you feel theme, you can find a pay as you feel table at the back of the community space. The table includes older book stock from the shop and surplus food that Veg Out wasn’t able to use that week. Please feel free to take what you like and leave a donation in the tin.

Start your week with a smile on your face with Veg Out

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