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What do you mean you haven't read... The Great Gatsby?!

What do you mean you haven't read... The Great Gatsby?!

Part of a short series of books you no longer have any excuse to have not read… order your copy today!

Does The Great Gatsby scream Leonardo DiCaprio and Beyonce to you? Well have a crack at the real deal and see what you make of The Great Gatsby!

The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald

A classic novel of love, money, revenge and betrayal set in Jazz Age America.

Jay Gatsby is a self-made man, famed for his decadent champagne-drenched parties. Despite being surrounded by Long Island's bright and beautiful, he longs only for Daisy Buchanan. In shimmering prose, Fitzgerald shows Gatsby pursue his dream to its tragic conclusion in one of the 20th century’s true contenders for the title of ‘Great American Novel’.

Whether it’s for the first time, or you’re just due a re-read - order it today!

Woo hoo! We're in Waitrose Magazine for Independent Bookshop Week!

Woo hoo! We're in Waitrose Magazine for Independent Bookshop Week!

Public service announcement - back in stock!!!

Public service announcement - back in stock!!!