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Book signing: 'Cinderella', I Wish! by Dominiquè DeVeraux (new date!)

Book signing: 'Cinderella', I Wish! by Dominiquè DeVeraux (new date!)

Saturday 4th July - in the shop

* please note - this is a rescheduled date *

Book signing - 11am-1pm - free entry

Join Dominiquè DeVeraux in the shop to hear how she overcame adversity to celebrate love and life in her memoir ‘Cinderella’, I wish!

‘Cinderella’, I wish! is the powerful true story of Dominiquè DeVeraux’s life. Beginning with her early childhood as a young black child living with loving white foster parents, Dominiquè is content and adored. But when Nanny dies suddenly, Dominiquè is taken away from the loving home that she knew and thrust into a world of trouble. Dumped in a new home with strangers, Dominiquè’s life turns to one of difficulty and misery. In her fight for happiness she faces more and more abusers, domestic violence, rape and murder. Ploughing on regardless, Dominiquè chooses love as her weapon and shield. In this story of courage, our protagonist rises above theIn this story of courage, our protagonist rises above the challenges she faces to celebrate life and to love herself indubitably.

Accompanied by an eclectic music playlist, this compelling book is comparable to Push by Sapphire

Dominiquè DeVeraux is a published author and experienced Agony Aunt. Her career spans 30 years in Children’s Social Care Management, including 18 years in Strategic Management. She lives in Southampton.

Please register your interest here - it’s free entry!

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