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CANCELLED The Britain Potential: Discussion Group CANCELLED

CANCELLED The Britain Potential: Discussion Group CANCELLED

Sadly this event has been cancelled - we are looking to reschedule in 2020.

Following on from his book launch at October books in August Jim Cowan returns to continue the conversation about The Britain Potential.

Britain has enormous potential, but is it realising it? For too many the answer is no. This is a discussion about what it takes to realise that potential, as individuals, families, communities, organisations and as a country.

Jim Cowan's research has identified a large and growing number of initiatives, organisations and developments that are responding to the mainstream consciousness positively. They are converting their rejection of the current mainstream into the energy and motivation to create far more humanistic developments which respond to peoples` inner lives. This is proving to be far better for individuals, families, communities, and organisations which embrace this `next stage of human consciousness`. The book gives over 70 stories of how people are doing things. From the Isle of Wight homeless bus to Merseycare`s zero approach to suicide. The idea of the discussion is to share information about what is currently happening locally and to inspire and develop ideas for future projects.

Author Signing: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Diary by Charlotte Dennis

Author Signing: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Diary by Charlotte Dennis

Greenfeast: autumn, winter by Nigel Slater

Greenfeast: autumn, winter by Nigel Slater