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Event: Author talk: The Britain Potential by Jim Cowan

Event: Author talk: The Britain Potential by Jim Cowan

Jim Cowan will be talking in the shop on the 20th August from 7-8.30pm about unlocking Britain's potential!

“Our times are moving unmistakably, at the deepest level, toward a focus on human beings and humanism”

Britain has enormous potential, but is it realising it? For too many the answer is no. Jim Cowan will be talking about what it takes to realise that potential, as individuals, families, communities, organisations and as a country.

Over the last 40 years, the mainstream consciousness directing the country has been about market thinking and not about humanism. Cowan provides insight into how the limiting of potential has been widespread, especially through our key institutions and their practices. But the green shoots of genuine humanity are appearing! The Britain Potential gives over 70 stories of how people are doing things. From the Isle of Wight homeless bus to Merseycare`s zero approach to suicide. His work unlocks the deeper significance of this unreported transformation at grass roots. This is not just a book about thinking, it`s also about doing and being.

Via community development and socially engaged Buddhism, Jim Cowan has focused his life on political and social change in Britain for over 40 years.

free entry - 7pm - instore

Book free tickets online here

Gallery Opening Saturday 3rd August

Gallery Opening Saturday 3rd August

Delayed Gratification Magazine - instore, now

Delayed Gratification Magazine - instore, now