Calendars? In April?

Calendars? In April?

Ok… bear with us here.

We were in the midst of doing a big old promotion to shift some calendars that we still had kicking around, and then we were told to shut our doors. So we have lots, LOTS, (really quite a few) calendars on the shop floor.

So, you lucky people, we are offering them to you on a Pay As You Feel basis!

As well as still having over three quarter’s worth of functionality left(!) they all have absolutely stunning designs - featuring Southampton heritage, garden birds, Frida Kahlo, Elmer, Lowry, Angela Harding lino cuts, Este Macleod prints, Annie Soudain prints, British landscapes, Erte art deco prints… and more (Unsurprisingly, they have 12 designs per calendar too!)

There are a million ways you could use them, here’s a couple we thought of…

  • for counting down the days until lock-down is lifted

  • for using in that craft project you had underway and quickly lost interest in (we see you!)

  • fresh artwork for the walls you may well be bored of looking at by now

  • you could cut them up - make a jigsaw for the kids!

  • pretend you’re the curator at your very own gallery

  • for making sure you remember when to feed that sourdough starter or scoby

  • or just for actually knowing what day it is.

Add one (or more!) to your order today stating how much you’d like to pay per calendar, how many you’d like and of which design/s. Or just let Jamie on the shop floor choose for you!

(This Pay As You Feel offer is applicable to calendars only.)

BC books: Why I Love The Earth illustrated by Daniel Howarth

BC books: Why I Love The Earth illustrated by Daniel Howarth

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