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Radical Calendars for 2021

Radical Calendars for 2021

We’re big fans of The Radical Tea Towel company so this year we’re pleased to be stocking their range of radical calendars, which is more diverse than ever. We’ve got our fingers crossed that 2021 will be an improvement on this year! Buy your calendar today through our online store.

Radical Calendars for 2021
Spend 2021 being inspired by history's great movements, campaigns and radical individuals. Hang these calendars in your kitchen or hallway, and they'll certainly generate some discussion.

This colourful, A4 wall calendars, with 12 pages plus cover and board back, includes important dates for the year ahead, both upcoming (such as holidays, important festivals, conferences, etc) and historic (milestones in popular rights etc).

Radical Calendar 2021
Includes illustrations representing and dates of radical events in human history.

Black Hero’s Calendar 2021
Each month is illustrated by a striking portrait of a black political hero, civil rights activist, literary figure or social activist.

Radical Literary Calendar 2021
Includes historic moments such as radical publication dates, key authors' deaths. Each month is illustrated by a striking design of a key radical literary figure.

The Feminist History Calendar 2021
Each month features a different influential women from history.

Browse our calendar selection today and order through our online store.

Our November opening hours are:

Mon / Wed / Fri / Sat
From 10am - 4pm

Please note. The shop floor will be open for the sale of essential food and household items. We will not be open for you to browse our bookshelves, but if you have ordered books or household items online or via the phone you will be able to collect them during these opening hours! Place your order today!

You will see we have a QR code at the door, if you have the NHS COVID-19 app downloaded to your smart phone please scan this as you enter the shop.

Bought a book from us? Why not get it *signed by the author*!

Bought a book from us? Why not get it *signed by the author*!

Mr Wilder and Me by Jonathan Coe

Mr Wilder and Me by Jonathan Coe