livestream: Class Power on Zero-Hours by AngryWorkers

livestream: Class Power on Zero-Hours by AngryWorkers

Thursday 18th March

livestream - 7pm - free entry

Register your interest by getting your free ticket, instructions to join will be emailed shortly afterwards. For your security and ours, you cannot attend this talk without registering in advance first.

Join Marco and Kiran from AngryWorkers Collective via ZOOM to find new ways of building class power.

AngryWorkers, a small political collective, have spent six years organising in London’s industrial backyard, mainly in the food manufacturing and logistics sector. Their book 'Class Power on Zero-Hours' is about their experiences as they try and find new ways of building class power in tough times. It is essential reading for anyone who is grappling with the question: ‘what next for working class politics and revolutionary strategy?’

Kiran and Marco have worked in warehouses and factories, and have campaigned against the closure of local amenities. As shop-stewards in their work-places they organised a local solidarity-network in west London. They are currently involved in an independent workers’ group at Heathrow airport and in the NHS.

Register via Eventbrite for instructions to join ZOOM event. This is a free entry event, but if you'd like to sling October Books a donation, please do.

You can order ‘Class Power on Zero-Hours’ from us at October Books here! Want to read more books like this? Ask us for a recommendation!

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