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Cooking with Veg Out... tomato and almond soup

Cooking with Veg Out... tomato and almond soup

In normal circumstances we are very lucky to host Veg Out in the community space every Monday.

Veg Out are a volunteer-run Pop Up Vegan Community Cafe. They cook up delicious nutritious vegan meals and snacks using food that would ordinarily be thrown away, and serve it on a pay-as-you-feel basis. This brilliant scheme tackles food waste, combats loneliness, and promotes community all at the same time! This is what Southampton needs, and exactly what our community space was built for!

In keeping with their ethos, and because we’re all indoors at the moment, they are sharing tips, recipes and more on their facebook page until they are back up-and-running again!

Check out this one for Tomato and Almond soup by Judelicious, a member of the Veg Out team.

This, last night, tomato and almond soup OMG sooo tasty! Not just any old tomatoes though, these were collected from my local community farm when I was there and were waste from a cruise ship collected by a man who rescues such foods.

I made this from a punnet of baby toms, garlic, red onion, small amount of stock and water (1/4 pt) 1 carrot, splashed of liquid aminos, approx 75g ground almonds, olive oil, chipotle and black pepper seasoning and fresh sage.

I don’t overcook but blend once slightly softened and add the gr almonds at this stage.

Creamy, textured, spicy and tomatoey. Michelin star standard 😂 but then I would say that because I is good at creating tasty nosh. #veganrecipes #divinecreations #homemadeisbest #ilovesoups #wastefood

Cheers Veg Out! If you’re looking for further inspiration, we have lots of books in stock on foraging, permaculture and growing your own, alongside a wide range of vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, and fairtrade and ethical produce all available to order.

Feeling thirsty? Feeling spicy? Captain Kombucha to the rescue!

Feeling thirsty? Feeling spicy? Captain Kombucha to the rescue!

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