Cooking with Veg Out... wild garlic pesto!

Cooking with Veg Out... wild garlic pesto!

In normal circumstances we are very lucky to host Veg Out in the community space every Monday.

Veg Out are a volunteer-run Pop Up Vegan Community Cafe. They cook up delicious nutritious vegan meals and snacks using food that would ordinarily be thrown away, and serve it on a pay-as-you-feel basis. This brilliant scheme tackles food waste, combats loneliness, and promotes community all at the same time! This is what Southampton needs, and exactly what our community space was built for!

In keeping with their ethos, and because we’re all indoors at the moment, they are sharing tips, recipes and more on their facebook page until they are back up-and-running again!

Check out this one for Wild Garlic pesto - which is readily available at a green space near you!

WILD GARLIC (available at a woodland near you) PESTO
There are no set quantities here..taste as you go along,and add anything else you think may work.
1. Wash the leaves & put it in a food processor (or bowl) with some oil / lemon juice / pine nuts (or a few other nuts / sunflower seeds)/ salt / pepper.
Add some yeast flakes if ya fancy.
2. Blitz (or chop very finely & mix) until well combined.
3.Eat & enjoy a cheap, tasty & nutritious meal
BTW - It should go without saying, but, make sure you identify the right plant to pick - it has a distinctive smell & these little white flowers (pictured). Out in April / May.
You can eat the flowers and also use the leaves in soups n salads.
Apparently, in older times, when the leaves were boiled, the water was used as disinfectant (timely information not be be sneezed at 😉)
Stay well, and let us know of anything else you have used wild garlic for😁

Cheers Veg Out! If you’re looking for further inspiration, we have lots of books in stock on foraging, alongside a wide range of vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, and fairtrade and ethical produce all available to order.

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BC books: Talk To Me by James Vlahos

BC books: Talk To Me by James Vlahos