Goodbye 2020! Welcome 2021!

Goodbye 2020! Welcome 2021!

What a year it has been! 2020 will be one that stays in the memory and is talked about many years from now. The year of lockdown, pandemic, masks and social distancing!

We’ll also remember it for the way community came together. Mutual Aid groups sprang up around the country (including Southampton), we provided deliveries for those shielding and attempted to alleviate some of the isolation by hosting a huge range of events through zoom.

For many it was also a time to rediscover reading, which we enthusiastically endorse!

We've also said goodbye to Joey this year as he left us after four years service to do a PhD at Southampton University. But with Joey leaving we gained a Jonny who had just completed his Masters in Literary Studies at the University of Belfast. It must have been strange for Jonny starting a new job in the middle of a pandemic but he already feels like one of the October Books family.

For now we want to say thank you for your continued support during this difficult year. We couldn’t have done it without you.

We’re hoping 2021 will be better, that gradually we’ll return to normal. The pandemic isn’t over but there is hope on the horizon.

Happy New Year! We hope to see you soon. x

We will be closed for Friday the 1st and Saturday 2nd January before reopening on Monday 4th January

When we reopen in January we will be reverting to our reduced hours of

Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat

She-Clown and other stories by Hannah Vincent

She-Clown and other stories by Hannah Vincent

January Opening Hours

January Opening Hours