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Spotlight Six | Goodbye, Ramona by Montserrat Roig | Family and History

Spotlight Six | Goodbye, Ramona by Montserrat Roig | Family and History

In store now!

Montserrat Roig has been described as ‘a shining light of Catalan literature,’ blending feminism, Catalan history, and poetic beauty in her sweeping but intimate stories. Goodbye, Ramona was her first novel, long overdue translation, now finally brought to English-speaking readers for the first time. It weaves the story of three generations of women–a grandmother, mother, and daughter–against the backdrop of dramatic events in Catalan history that ripple through time.

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Goodbye, Ramona by Montserrat Roig

Paperback £9.99


Monserrat Roig’s first novel, Goodbye, Ramona is a powerhouse story told through the point of view of three generations of women from the same family.

Opening with scenes of a pregnant woman looking for her husband after a bombing, Goodbye, Ramona explores the role of family, women’s relationships with men, the influence the weight of history and events out of their control have on them, and the silence in which they live their lives.

Goodbye, Ramona is an historical and social mosaic seen through the lives and experiences of the female characters.

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