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Green Friday

Green Friday is an anti-Black Friday movement started in 2015 to create awareness about the negative impacts of our consumerist society's shopping habits.

Coming up to Christmas, it can be so hard to break away from the norm of next-day deliveries and one-use buys. So much that we can forget the meaning of this season. No matter your background or beliefs, winter is a time to slow down and rest, not to rush to get to shops before closing after a long day at work. Our hope is you will join us on Friday 29th in thinking greener when everything is shouting at you to get the latest, shiniest and brighest object to be thrown away by next Christmas.

This Green Friday, skip the frenzy and embrace a more mindful approach to shopping. Join us at October Books for a celebration of sustainability, nature, and thought-provoking reads. Whether you’re seeking eco-conscious books, sustainable gifts, or just a moment to reflect on the world we share, we’ve got something special for you.

Three other local business we want to do a shout out for are:

  • Bitterne Park Stores for fresh fruit and veg, cheese (mmmmm) and some great wines and beers as well as a comprehensive refillery

  • Gaia Health Store in Bedford Place @gaiahealthstore Look out for them at the Carlton Place Market on the 7th December @carltonplacemarket

  • The Southampton Sewing Hub in Rose Road offering sewing skills development, confidence, and creativity with professional tools and support.

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