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Join the Climate eMotion Cafe

Every second Saturday of the month, from 3:30 to 5:00 pm, we—Phine Dahle, Ruth Maginnis, and I, Doris Prugel-Bennett - facilitate a safe, supportive space for individuals to gather and share their feelings about living in times when the impacts of climate change, species extinction, unsafe soil, air and water and many other difficult realities are becoming impossible to ignore. 

It is a deeply meaningful experience to connect with like-minded individuals of all ages. We welcome all those aged 16 and over to join us. For those who cannot attend in person—whether due to difficulty speaking in a group, scheduling conflicts, or travel limitations—we encourage you to connect with the Climate Psychology Alliance (www.climatepsychologyalliance.org), where you can participate in an online Climate eMotion Café. There are also separate groups specifically for young people. We are at October Books every month, to make sure people in the area have access to a good safe space in difficult times.

Come along or email climateemotioncafe@gmail.com for more information

Green Friday

We have a new website!