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Growing Celebration May 9th to 30th

Growing Celebration May 9th to 30th

Spring has sprung and it’s time to get out and about in the garden. This month in the October Books gallery space we are celebrating our local growing and gardening groups who do great things connecting our communities to nature and wildlife. October Books Community Garden, Bitterne Park Growing Places, Front Gardens Plus (St Denys) and Friends of Bitterne Station will all have banners and information on display. Come and join them in a growing celebration. 

If you know of other groups or individuals who would like to promote their work do let them know. Email Clare at clare@octoberbooks.org

Plant Swap and Sale SATURDAY 13th May 11 to 1.30pm

Plant Swap and Sale SATURDAY 13th May 11 to 1.30pm

In Store! - Conserving Hampshire’s Swifts

In Store! - Conserving Hampshire’s Swifts