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Happy Jólabókaflóð!

Jólabókaflóð (pronounced yo-la-bok-a-flot)

Icelandic for “Xmas book flood”

Did you know that Icelanders have a tradition of gifting each other books - and only books! - on Xmas Eve? They then spend the rest of the evening snuggled up indoors reading them. Sounds blissful right?

This tradition began during World War II once Iceland had gained its independence for Denmark in 1944. Paper was one of the few commodities not rationed during the war, so Icelanders shared their love of books even more as other types of gifts were short supply. This increase in giving books as presents reinforced Iceland’s culture as a nation of book lovers and avid readers!

Every year since 1944, the Icelandic book trade has published a catalogue that is sent to every household in the country in mid-November during the Reykjavik Book Fair. People use the catalogue to order books to give friends and family for Christmas. And here at October Books we like to see ourselves as a virtual catalogue beaming through to your computer screens and devices.

During the festive season, gifts are opened on 24 December and, by tradition, everyone reads the books they have been given straight away, often while drinking hot chocolate or alcohol-free Christmas ale.

With the evenings and the weather drawing in and many of us spending increased time inside due to covid19 restrictions we think Jólabókaflóð! is a tradition worth sharing.

Since November has begun… let the book flood commence!

edit 03/11/20 - please note November opening hours

Wednesday 4th 9.30am-5.30pm
Thursday 5th closed
Friday 6th 10am-4pm
Saturday 7th 10am-4pm

after that

Mon / Wed / Fri / Sat from 10am - 4pm

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