In store now! Suttree by Cormac McCarthy

In store now! Suttree by Cormac McCarthy

With two new novels on the horizon, it’s fair to say the world has Cormac McCarthy fever! Whilst he is one of the best known authors in the world because of novels like The Road, Blood Meridian, No County for Old Men, and All the Pretty Horses, it’s his fourth novel, Suttree, that really deserves some extra love.

Set in 1950’s Tennessee, we follow the eponymous Cornelius Suttree as he traverses the dumps, bars, and dirty rivers of the city. Inaccurately compared to Joyce’s Ulysses, McCarthy’s opus instead relishes in the working class communities, the exiles, the drunkards, eccentrics, and criminals of the Tennessee Slums. Often hilarious, deeply tragic, and written at the absolute peak of McCarthy’s remarkable powers, Suttree is not only Cormac McCarthy’s greatest work, but one of the greatest works of American fiction. 

An absolute must read before McCarthy returns with The Passenger and Stella Maris in October/November of this year.

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Suttree by Cormac McCarthy

Paperback £9.99

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