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Lockdown Recommendation: The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin

Lockdown Recommendation: The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin

Part of our series which invites workers, members, volunteers and customers to recommend the books that have helped them through lockdown.

This weeks recommendation comes from customer Linda G.

If you would like to recommend a lockdown read please see
our post about it here.

The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin
Paperback RRP £9.99

”This novel was perfect lockdown reading for me, I loved it. It examines deep questions about free will verses fate.

Four siblings learn the date of their death from a mystic. What this prophecy does to each one and what choices they make after this ‘knowledge’ forms the basis of a life story about each one. Their lives both connect and disconnect at different times in unexpected ways. I felt so involved with each character and their story.

This book stayed with me a long time after reading – I would put it in my unforgettable category. The construction is very clever and the reader is left to interpret the meanings in many different ways. Readers who love philosophical novels that ask big questions will enjoy this!’ -Linda

Order your copy today or buy online through our bookshop.org store and we’ll get a commission on your purchase.

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Mon / Wed / Fri / Sat

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