Lockdown Recommendation: The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden

Lockdown Recommendation: The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden

Part of our series which invites workers, members, volunteers and customers to recommend the books that have helped them through lockdown.

This weeks recommendation comes from worker Jess, whose role in the shop involves among other things: bookbuying, card buying and product promotion through the blog.

If you would like to recommend a lockdown read please see
our post about it here.

The Winternight Trilogy by Katerine Arden

Order directly through October Books today or follow the links to buy online and we’ll get commission on your purchase.

The Bear and the Nightingale, Paperback RRP £9.99
The Girl in the Tower, Paperback RRP £8.99
The Winter of the Witch. Paperback RRP £8.99

‘The Winternight Trilogy has kept me going through lockdown and is a perfect winter read. Set in old Rus’ and full of descriptions of deep snow, hard frosts, frozen rivers repurposed as roads and families huddling round fireplaces, it is beautifully atmospheric.

A fantasy based on Russian folk tales, it is full of the magic of the everyday, the hearth, the stables, the bath house with each having it's own protective spirit. Not everyone can see these spirits though and along with the household spirits, there are also more dangerous, often deadly spirits. Spirits that mirror the harsh and difficult lives of the characters who live in a small remote village.

As the trilogy expands we follow the heroine Vasya, as she ventures out of that small remote village and the realm of the domestic where women are expected to remain. To Moscow disguised as a boy, the wilds of Russia and even the midnight realm of spirits. A struggle for power is brewing between some of the oldest and most dangerous ancient spirits and the world of men and Vasya has somehow found herself in the middle.

A wonderful immersive trilogy to curl up with under a blanket on a cold winter night.’ -Jess

Order it directly from October Books today. Or buy online through our bookshop.org store and we’ll get commission on your purchase.

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