Southampton Radical Reading Group

Southampton Radical Reading Group

On the second Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm Southampton Radical Reading group meet at October Books to discuss radical and revolutionary ideas through the medium of chapters and short texts.

All books are available to buy at October Books but please get in touch if you’re struggling to access the readings. Open to anyone who's interested in overthrowing the existing order of things.

We're really excited to launch our November 2021-April 2022 reading list! We'll be reading the following texts/extracts:

9th November: Chapter 5 of Black Resistance to British Policing by Adam Elliott-Cooper

14th December: Chapter 4 of Transgender Marxism edited by Jules Gleeson and Elle O’Rourke

11th January: Chapter 6 of Me, Not You by Alison Phipps

8th February: Chapter 5 of Lost in Work by Amelia Horgan

8th March: Part VI of We Do ‘Til We Free Us by Marianne Kaba

12th April: Chapters 3 and 5 of Capitalism and Slavery by Eric Williams

To find out more visit the Southampton Radical Reading Group on Facebook and Twitter.

Go here to order a copy of any of the texts to collect from the shop, or here to get them delivered directly to your door via our store front.

In store now! We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

In store now! We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

In store now! The Every, by Dave Eggers

In store now! The Every, by Dave Eggers