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The Pulse Glass: And the beat of other hearts by Gillian Tindall

The Pulse Glass: And the beat of other hearts by Gillian Tindall

An ode to the memory encased within the everyday object. Tindall reminds us that the ordinary is extraordinary. This book will have it’s readers contemplating the stories of their possessions both inherited and collected. Buy through our bookshop store or order through our website.

The Pulse Glass: And the beat of other hearts by Gillian Tindall
Paperback RRP £9.99

A personal and global history in objects, Gillian Tindall traces the memories and meanings that accrue to the artefacts of human lives through time.

Before ordinary doctors had access to accurate pocket watches, they timed a patient’s pulse with a 30-second sandglass. A ‘pulse glass’ was a functional piece of medical equipment, designed to measure a life, never intended to survive for centuries. But Gillian Tindall inherited her great-great-grandfather’s pulse glass, which holds the heartbeats of many by-gone generations and offers a portal to nineteenth-century Anglo-Irish life, to her grandmother’s marriage and the assorted fates of the next generation.

Most of the objects that surround us, no matter how important in their time, will eventually be lost and forgotten. But a select few, for reasons of sentiment and chance, conservation and simple inaction, escape destruction and gain new meanings. A toy train, a stack of letters from long ago, a battered ivory figure. Each tells a different story: the destiny of local railways, travel across the world and village anecdotes, the value of what we inherit and the necessity of forgetting.

The Pulse Glass is an exploration of changing and expanding messages in objects that survive us. Tindall brings her signature eye for domestic history to bear on the physical remnants of lives lost, recent and ancient, unearthing stories and considering the nature of permanence. This is an elegant and clear-eyed reflection on memory from one of our best history writers.

Browse and buy through our bookshop store or order your copy today.

Our November opening hours are:

Mon / Wed / Fri / Sat

From 10am - 4pm

Please note. The shop floor will be open for the sale of essential food and household items. We will not be open for you to browse our bookshelves, but if you have ordered books or household items online or via the phone you will be able to collect them during these opening hours! Place your order today!

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Without Ever Reaching the Summit by Paolo Cognetti

Without Ever Reaching the Summit by Paolo Cognetti

Get your red World AIDS Day ribbons from us today!

Get your red World AIDS Day ribbons from us today!